Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Weekend

I had a good time this weekend. My friend Michael came up from Atlanta. He joined my D&D game on Saturday, and we spent Saturday night trading Metal Bands using the Rhapsody music service. I have a feeling I'm going to become an Iron Maiden fan!

Now I'm working on finishing Soul of the Fire, the 5th Terry Goodkind book in the Sword of Truth series. As I've progressed through the books, they have become less directly about the hero character. He is still the focal point of everything that's happening, but Goodkind seems to be taking more time and leisure to explore and color the world he has created. He's unleashed an epic series of events in the 3rd book, and even in the 5th there is no end in sight. It's both great and annoying--great because he's developing an epic tale of this hero trying to solve the world's problems; annoying because in going for the greater detail for the surrounding universe, Goodkind loses some of the personal warmth he generated for his hero in the beginning.

Still, I'm enjoying them. I'm looking forward to the 6th.

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