Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Problem with Internet Dating

I'm in danger of having my geek-license revoked: I just watched the first half of the Extended Edition of The Return of the King and I have no idea what happened. I have no idea because I was distracted by searching a couple of internet dating sites.

I don't spend a lot of time on these sites for two reasons: 1) I'm not really very intent on starting another romance right now, and 2) internet dating sites have not really shown themselves to be of much value in finding another romance anyway.

The thing that intrigues me about these sites is how little of an idea people have about what they're looking for in a partner. I just leafed through 18 pages of search results of women in a 250 mile radius that supposedly match my criterion. The first problem I had was that the women didn't match my criterion: I specified religion should be Atheist, Agnostic, or Other, and I kept getting back results for Christian women. Jeez! Next, fully 3/4 of the women in the list had no idea what they were looking for. They had lot's of stuff listed about themselves, which I suppose is good--at least they know themselves well enough to state what they are. What I find interesting is that in the section where they are asked to identify what they're looking for in a mate they have "any" specified for most categories. What's more interesting is that they have "any" specified on categories that you might expect to be fairly important such as religion, career, smoking, and drinking habits. I close those profiles about as fast as I can open them--if she doesn't know what she wants, then it's not me.

So I guess my foray into internet dating is finished for another month or so. I go back every month or so because I don't want the reason I didn't meet my version of Michelle Dessler to be because I didn't look. But given my experiences so far, I don't suppose it's very likely I'll find someone that way.

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