Wednesday, January 26, 2005


It's been awhile since I've had time or energy to blog. School and work are really taking an enormous amount of my time. I'm taking Physics and Accounting II this semester, neither of which are particularly easy courses.

At work right now I'm something of a bottleneck as well. I'm the only one with a current license to the software we use to develop installation packages, and I'm building 3 separate installers, all of which have an extremely high priority.

In addition to the needs of work and school, I'm also going through something of a revolution in the way I think about the craft of programming. I recently read a book that was, as M. described it, the Atlas Shrugged of programming. It's given me a lot to think about, and many new areas of software theory to explore. So I've been spending my evenings reading about design patterns development principles.

I haven't even had much time to read. Since I finished Debt of Bones, I've started the 10th Horatio Hornblower novel, but I haven't made much headway.

Still, all of this is good in a sense. While it is stressful and difficult to be as busy as I am, getting my degree is a high value for me, taking on more responsibility at work is definitely part of the career-path I've chosen, and the theoretical tools I'm developing for my career are going to have a huge impact on both the quantity and quality of my productivity. I'm going to have to arrange for a rest in the next month or so though. Even if it means taking a couple of vacation days or something.

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