Thursday, January 06, 2005

Loreena McKennitt: The Visit

I'm listening to "Tango to Evora" from "The Visit" right now. I haven't listened to Loreena McKennitt in years. I've forgotten how good some of her stuff is. I love this song in particular. It's very old-world. It brings back nostalgic memories of one of the best relationships I ever had--we met over Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, and Loreena McKennitt.

B. was happy to see that I liked Tori and Sarah, but when she saw my Loreena CD's as well, she was intrigued. Thus began a very strange, intense, and easy relationship. I still mourn the way she and I got along--I've never had that again with any woman. I had no idea at the time how rare that was. When I have that again I'll have to take better care of it.

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