Monday, April 04, 2005


As my friend M. is wont to say.

It's been a busy few weeks. I had an early shot at one of my fondest dreams awhile back. Didn't get it, but it was still great to be that close to it, if even for a brief moment. There'll be other opportunities though.

The past couple of weeks at work have been amazing. The new software design principles I've been studying are really starting to pay off. I'm getting an enormous amount of work done in a very short period of time.

School is getting boring. The classes are still challenging, but I'm just ready to be studying programming! Physics is great and all, but it's a huge gear-shift from my work. I've still got a semester or two of this kind of mess in front of me, so I'd better suck it up.

Mudvayne is coming out with a new album soon. That should be fun. A good metal album is a great way to relieve some stress. Garbage is coming out with a new album too--a good pop album is also a great way to relieve some stress.

Paying taxes blows. I'm going to have to send Uncle Sam around $2k this year. That's gonna' hurt.

Michael Crichton's "State of Fear" is a fun read. It's short on plot, but it's got a lot of really interesting (bibilographed) facts on the environmental movement. Good stuff!

I saw The Incredibles for the first time recently. Excellent movie. I now have 4 favorite animated features:
  1. The Nightmare Before Christmas
  2. Antz
  3. Fantasia 2000
  4. The Incredibles

I know, Iknow--everyone says "What about Shrek?" I still haven't seen Shrek. 1 or 2. I imagine they'll be fun and I'll have to expand my list to 6 favorite animated movies.

Here are some recent 1 line movie reviews:

Aliens vs. Predator: sucks

Hero: sucks

The Village: pretty, but sucks

Dodgeball: sucks

Open Water: sucks worse than sucks

Battlestar Galactica is the best sci-fi show ever on television. The actors are amazing. The directing style and cinematography are outstanding. It isn't a show "about people in stretchy pants with bumpy heads who spend 20 minutes talking about technology that doesn't exist," it's a show about people in a dramatic setting. It is superbly executed. I highly recommend it to anyone, sci-fi fans and non-sci-fi fans alike.

Rest in peace Terri Shiavo. Let me say this now: if I'm ever unconscious for more than a year--kill me. Is that clear enough? I'm not a doctor; I don't understand the medicine; I don't care about the medicine; if I'm unconscious for a year, I'm not coming out of it. So just stop wasting everybody's time and just let me die. I won't hate you for it. Scout's honor.

Alright--that's about everything that I've been meaning to blog about for awhile. I keep wanting to write these blogs on these various topics, but never really having the time to do them justice. I guess this is my Jack-in-the-box blog.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back on the case.

Mr. Militant